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About Fallon Health
Traducción española
(TRS 711)
Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wed: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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Commercial plan members
Commercial plan members
How your coverage works
Find doctors and facilities
Health and wellness
Pharmacy and prescription drugs
Forms library
Advance care planning
Member rights and responsibilities
Glossary of health insurance terms
Frequently asked questions
MyFallon member portal
Tax forms
Accessibility statement
Important member resources
Member rights and responsibilities
Mental Health Parity
Continuity of Care for Limited Networks Notice
Notice of Privacy Practices
Additional information about our health plan benefits and policies
Advance care planning
Information on advance directives and living wills (health care proxies)
Estimated costs worksheet for HSAs and FSAs
Calculate your out-of-pocket health care costs to determine the amount you should contribute to an HSA or FSA
Behavioral health resources
Carelon Behavioral Health
On the Carelon Behavioral Health website you'll find helpful, up-to-date information about behavioral health topics and benefits. You can also conduct a search for a behavioral health provider, find the latest behavioral health prevention and wellness information and more. Login by entering your state and health plan name.
Parent/Professional Advocacy League (PAL)
Is there a child or adolescent with mental health needs in your life? Visit this site to learn about PAL, an organization of parents and professionals who advocate on behalf of children with mental, emotional or behavioral special needs and their families in order to bring about family empowerment and system change.
Choosing quality health care
Health care guidelines
These documents outline standards and best practices for preventing and managing disease.
Healthcare Compass
A user-friendly site for patients, families and other healthcare consumers to use to search and compare primary care doctors’ offices across Massachusetts
The Leapfrog Group for Patient Safety
Find out about the Leapfrog Group, which encourages large employers to recognize and reward health plans and hospitals that make "big leaps" in patient safety and quality.
Understanding health insurance
Glossary of health insurance terms
Preventive care services
From HealthCare.Gov, a list of services that are covered in full, as long as they're provided by an in-network provider