Caregiver Connection

How caregivers benefit from mindfulness

mindfulness for caregiversMoving from one task to the next. Crossing an item off your to-do list and immediately adding another. Dealing with crisis after crisis. There are many responsibilities and worries that go along with caregiving. It can be difficult to catch your breath—and nearly impossible to relax.

Are you able to think about how you feel or recognize the value of what you’re doing? Do you feel like you can concentrate on any one task or issue? Many caregivers answer “no” to those questions because caregiving can often make you feel like you’re on autopilot, with no time to reflect on what you’re doing or feeling, and no ability to focus. Practicing mindfulness may help.

Mindfulness is the act of paying attention on purpose. It goes beyond simply being aware of what you’re doing in the present moment. Being mindful means actively observing the different aspects of the experience you’re having—and recognizing the thoughts and feelings you have, without judgment.

Why try mindfulness?

Practicing mindfulness may help you find new ways to appreciate your surroundings and experiences—even under difficult circumstances—and provide you with health benefits at the same time.

For example, when you recognize, acknowledge, and accept your feelings—whether they’re good, bad, or indifferent—it can help reduce stress. Mindfulness helps you:

  • Become aware of what your emotions are, before you make decisions
  • Work through difficult emotions, such as fear, anger, and resentment
  • Appreciate when you’re feeling strong, healthy, creative, or happy
  • Do things with purpose
  • Live a more meaningful and satisfied life

When you take time to stop and be in the moment, you can see how your body and mind respond to what’s happening around you. You can observe your thoughts and feelings objectively, as though they belong to someone else. 

Practicing mindfulness reminds you that you don’t have control over everything that happens, but you can choose how you respond to situations around you, rather than react.

Other benefits of mindfulness may include:

  • Reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Lower levels of anxiety, depression, and stress
  • Decreased recovery time from illness or short-term medical issues
  • Better management of chronic conditions such as pain, sleep disorders, and asthma
  • Increased immunity, optimism, memory, self-control, and self-awareness

Ways to practice mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a way to focus on the present, rather than worrying about the past or the future. This is especially important when you’re spending a lot of your time in a caregiving role—you need time to relax your mind and your body.

Here are some tips for getting started. You can add several to your routine right away. Or choose one to try and see how it works for you.

  • Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Are there repetitive thoughts that come to mind several times in a day? Consider writing them down or beginning a journal.

  • While driving, turn off the radio and put your phone away.
  • Go for a walk and notice things around you, such as newly planted flowers, animals playing in a yard, or the feeling of the sun's warmth.

  • Sit in silence for 5 minutes or longer. Practice mindfulness exercises to calm your mind. (On Fallon Health’s homepage, click on the Healthwise® Knowledgebase link, then search “mindfulness” for exercises you can do.)

  • At meal times, pay attention to how much and how fast you’re eating. How does the food taste? What is the texture?

  • Carve out at least 10 minutes during the day to do something just for you. Go for a walk, play with your pet, or read.

  • Take deep mindful breaths. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth with a sigh. Imagine with each exhale that you’re letting go of stress and all the thoughts occupying your mind. Give yourself permission to be in this moment—just breathing—without any expectations.

Once you learn to be mindful, the benefits will begin to spill over into other areas of your life, helping to decrease daily stress. Learning to accept both positive and negative experiences can help you move forward with a more balanced life, even while you’re providing care for someone else.

Find more health and wellness tips and caregiver resources on Fallon’s website.

Originally posted: May 2019
Last updated: May 2024

Self care  Wellness 

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