Register for Secure File Transfer

If you would like secure access to Fallon Health’s Secure File Transfer, please fill out the form below. Upon receipt and review by Fallon, your assigned username and password will be forwarded to each authorized individual. If you do not hear back from us within 15 business days, please call 1-866-275-3247, option 6, fax us at 1-508-368-9996 to confirm receipt or email us at














FALLON's Secure File Gateway (SFG) allows trading partners to submit electronic claims and download electronic reports using multiple secure managed file transfer protocols. The SFG provides the ability for HTTPS, SFTP, and FTP/SSL connections. Below is a short description of each protocol, please check the protocol you will use. If you are not sure which Protocol you are using, please contact your vendor.



I will protect all usernames and passwords given to me during this registration process from unauthorized use and disclosure. I understand that I am responsible for all actions performed while accessing Fallon Health’s Tools. I will notify Fallon Health immediately by calling 1-866-275- 3247, option 6, if I believe a password has been compromised. I will notify Fallon Health to disable access when an employee’s responsibilities no longer require using Tools, or when an employee terminates. I understand that as the provider of health care services, employers or trading partner or delegate, I am responsible for compliance with all federal and state requirements regarding the confidentiality of health care information, and that I have responsibility for the actions and use of that information for those users I have designated access. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Fallon Health for any breach of this confidentiality agreement, and shall be liable to Fallon Health for any such breach of this agreement and damages resulting from such breach, including, but not limited to, interference and contractual relations, interference with advantageous relations, loss of any contract and any other losses and/or damages together with Fallon Health’s expenses in connection with the breach, including, but not limited to, costs, accountant fees, consultant fees and reasonable attorney’s fees. I authorize Fallon Health to receive and process EDI transactions in accordance with applicable regulations. I assure that all information submitted is accurate and any claims submitted in falsification are prosecutable under state and/or federal laws. All information provided on the Fallon Health website is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Fallon Health shall not be liable for any claims, loss or damage resulting from its use.



